Biotabs Silicon Flash, 1500g

Silicon Flash NPK 4-3-3 is a 100% organic feed for your plants. It contains a fast-acting dose of silicon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which your plants absorb quickly.
29,47 EUR 24,35 EUR excl. VAT
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Silicon Flash NPK 4-3-3 is a 100% organic feed for your plants.
It contains a fast-acting dose of silicon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which your plants absorb quickly. The result is fresh, green, healthy plants right from the start. The remaining nutrients are slowly released over two months. Silicon Flash must only be added when preparing the growth medium or when treating nutrient deficiencies. Silicon increases the plant's resistance to heat, drought, pests and pathogens. Increases nutrient uptake producing stronger plants with higher yields.

The insect manure we use is an organic fertilizer of plant origin, in the production of which no hormones or antibiotics were used. The insect food source is monitored for heavy metals, pesticides and herbicides. Fertilizer production has low emissions and requires minimal water. Silicon Flash contains a large amount of biological matter easily available to soil microorganisms. To this we add a source of silicon, which is also quickly absorbed by plants and contains nutrients and trace elements in the right ratio. Silicon Flash has virtually zero heavy metals, unlike many other products. Silicon ensures healthy strong plants, strengthens their cell structure and is the key to growing beautiful fruit and strong plants. Silicon further increases plant resistance to heat, drought, pests and pathogens and increases nutrient uptake, creating stronger, healthier plants with higher yields.


  • Mix 50g (80ml) per 10 liters of organic growing medium, e.g. when watering soil or coconut substrate.
  • Silicon Flash can be used to treat nutritional deficiencies as needed.
  • For mother plants, mix 100g (160ml) per plant into the growing medium.
  • Repeat every two months to achieve the desired effect and especially for strong and resistant plants.
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