Biotabs Starterpack, a complete set of fertilizers

A complete set of organic nutrition and supplements for growing 5 to 10 plants in soil. Biotabs Starterpack incl. Bactrex, Mycotrex, BioTabs, Orgatrex, Startrex.
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37,35 EUR 30,87 EUR excl. VAT
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The practical package of fertilizers and supplements Biotabs Starterkit is specially designed for growing 5 to 10 plants on one square meter . Suitable for indoor and outdoor conditions.

A comprehensive set of organic nutrition Biotabs Starterkit consists of 25g Bactrex, 50g Mycotrex, 10 BioTabs tablets, 0.25L Orgatrex, 250g Startrex.

Mycotrex is a soil enricher that supplies buffered substrates with beneficial bacteria and Mycorrhizae fungi. Improves the absorption of minerals and water.

Bactrex organic powder protects seedlings and cuttings from pathogens. Contains Trichoderma and soil bacteria, suitable for growing in soil and coconut.

BioTabs organic tablets improve the uptake of nutrients and increase the fertility of soil or coconut substrate. The tablets are suitable for flower beds, greenhouses, flower pots and boxes.

Orgatrex liquid plant fertilizer with a high sugar content for growth and flowering is used for indoor and mainly outdoor cultivation of plants in soil or coconut.

Startrex is a soil enhancer and organic fertilizer with a high content of probiotic bacteria.

Nabízíme pouze prověřené produkty od světových značek.Biotabs hnojiva jsou ideální pro Outdoor Guerillu.
Nejvhodnější použití hnojiva.Sada hnojiv pro pěstování rostlin od sazenice po sklizeň v kompletní sadě.
Pouze organický, bio přípravek. Organické produkty spotřebujte po smíchání s vodou do 24 hodin.Ano
Typ hnojiva dle skupenství.Organická hnojiva na bio pěstování rostlin., Rostlinná hnojiva v podobě tablet., Sypké hnojivo pro rostliny v podobě lehce aplikovatelných granulí. Přímo do půdy.

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